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United Employees Credit Union
NMLS ID : 793268
Mortgage MLO's
Donald Schroeder
NMLS ID: 2558935
Donald Schroeder
NMLS ID: 2558935
Adrienne Gehring
NMLS ID: 1392045
NMLS ID: 1392045

The calculators are for limited informational purposes only.
Financial decisions should not be made based solely on the results from these calculators.
Always consult with your accountant or other professional advisors when making
such decisions.
Personal Finance
How much car can I afford?
How long will it take to pay off my credit cards?
What payments will it take to pay off my credit cards?
Simple loan calculator
How much can I borrow?
What interest rate would I need?
How long would it take to pay off a loan?
What are the effects of inflation?
What would my payments be?
What is the future value of a dollar?
Fixed Loan Scratchpad
Retirement Calculators
IRA calculator
Roth IRA calculator
IRA deposit calculator
Roth IRA deposit calculator
Simple Spending calculator
How long would I be able to make withdrawals?
What rate of return would I need?
How much would I need to start with?
How much could I withdraw each month?
Investment Calculators
How can I save a million dollars?
Investment yield calculator
Present value calculator
Future value calculator
Simple savings goal calculator
Stock investment profit calculator
Stock basis cost scratchpad
How much money could I save?
What rate of return would I need?
How much would I need to start with?
How much would I need to save each month?
How long must I save for a major purchase?
How long will it take to double my money?
What is the financial cost of dying?
Asset Allocation
Insurance vs. Taxable Fund
Home Finance
Is refinancing my loan a good idea?
What would my payments be for a balloon loan?
What would I save if I made monthly prepayments?
What would be my monthly prepayment?
How much house can I qualify for?
How much house can I afford?
Which fixed rate loan is better for me?
What are my payments for a fixed rate loan?
What are my payments for an adjustable rate loan?
Should I buy or rent my home?
Which loan is better, fixed or adjustable?
What is my mortgage payoff amount?
Could I use a consolidation loan?
What would I save with bi-weekly mortgage payments?
What effect do rates and down payments make?